Thursday 29 March 2012

HOFFA 3.(s)

Been a long while since I blogged. Been very very busy with coursework! The current work which I am on top of is that of Jimmy R. Hoffa and Bobby Kennedy, the question is whether Kennedy was justified in creating the Get Hoffa Squad after he became Attorney General in 1961? interesting question really and you could go almost any way you wanted with it. It is certainly a topic that would more interest an American audience than it would a British, partly because I can't imagine many people in Britain would know who he is. Interestingly i'd love to hear more behind his disappearance.

Currently I'm sitting drinking coffee with the sun beaming down into my room and the cricket on the radio, and we(England) certainly are losing now after losing the wickets of Prior, Trott, and Patel in quick succession after being set 340 by Sri Lanka, we're now currently as I publish this 259-8 at tea. Mind you we did better than I thought we were going to do, and the test was a very good match batting and bowling preforming well at various points, nice slow track and a quick outfield always makes games interesting. Looking forward to maybe starting up playing cricket and possibly rugby once I finish uni and get back home. Not sure if Sophie will be to happy about either of those choices. Will have to talk to her about it I guess, I would certainly want her to come along and watch.

Anyway a more substantial and prepared blog will come at some point just thought I needed to be mildly active. Be back soon


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